150 quick and easy self-care activities especially for busy moms—perfect for even the most chaotic schedule.
As a mom, you care—a lot. Whether it be physical, emotional, social, or practical, you’re there to attend to all of your family’s needs. But with so much to take care of, it can be hard to find time to care of yourself. With Self-Care for Moms, you’ll learn how easy it is to incorporate self-care into your own routine in practical, yet meaningful, ways.
In this book, you’ll find 150 realistic self-care activities that you can try right away. To help busy moms like you maximize any moment you can find for yourself, each activity is designed to fit easily within a set short time frame. You’ll also find ideas for activities that span larger amounts of time for inspiration and motivation to take some much-needed and well-earned extra time for yourself. There’s even a few aspirational activities, such as trips or projects, that last a day—or more—with a realistic plan for how to organize and coordinate your schedule to accommodate the occasional—but very important—extended time to focus on yourself.
Start taking time for you—it’s easier than you think and besides, you deserve it!
Self-Care for Moms: 150+ Real Ways to Care For Yourself While Caring for Everyone Else. Hardcover. 192 pages.
Time-based example suggestions:
5 minutes: Call a friend; Listen to a favorite song; Light a candle
15 minutes: Soak your feet; Read a chapter in a book; Enjoy a leisurely cup of tea
30 minutes: Give yourself a facial; Plan for a vacation; Go for a walk
1 hour: Meet a friend for lunch; Go for a manicure; Attend a workout class
“Every mom knows she needs more self-care in her life. As for how to make it happen? That’s tough. This book has some clever ideas, even if she has just five minutes.” —Women’s Health
“Genius self-care strategies … this book can truly change your life.” —Red Tricycle
For the last decade, as a Mental Skills Coach, Sara Robinson has helped individuals change the way they think and feel to create positive behavioral changes. Sara regularly speaks about the importance of balance and self-care and has been a guest on the SuperMum podcast and The Mom Inspired Show and a speaker for the Mom Project Summit 2017. Her blog, Get Mom Balanced (GetMomBalanced.com), aims to support busy working moms to find balance and time for self-care and helps moms develop the mental skills that they need to thrive. She’s a regular contributor to RunSmart Online and the LPGA Women’s Network blog. Sara has a master’s degree in sport psychology.