For Everybody and Every Body!
As You Like It is a woman-owned, body-positive, eco-conscious, inclusive and affirming adult shop. As a certified Community Sexual Health Resource, our mission is to provide body-safe products and shame-free sex education, and serve the sexual health needs of our diverse community.
What you'll find in our store:
Body Positivity: We believe that all bodies are beautiful, and all bodies deserve pleasure.
We strive to have something to please every body, regardless of size, shape, or ability.
Eco-Consciousness: We are a Green America Certified Business. We were one of the first supporters of the EcoSexual movement. We choose environmentally friendlier products to carry whenever possible. We use soy ink and recycled paper in our marketing and office. And by sourcing locally first, many of our products have an extremely low carbon footprint.
Inclusivity: We are not a store just for women, or just for queer folks, or just for couples, or just for young people. Instead, we strive to be a resource for everybody. Our highly trained staff treats our customers as individuals, with all unique identities supported and affirmed.
Local Products: As a local business ourselves, we actively support others in our community by participating in community education events and donating both our products and time. We proudly carry over 50 products from small businesses throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Sex Positivity: As You Like It is a shame-free space built on a foundation in consent-based sex education. We understand that sexual experiences and desires are unique and complex, and aim to create a safer space for open sexual communication, exploration, and education.
Taking Body Safety Seriously
You will never find phalates, parabens, mineral oil, petrochemicals,
or synthetic fragrances in any of the products that we carry.
You can also review the full list of materials that are banned from our store.

Our Story
As You Like It was founded by Kim Marks, who moved to Oregon from the San Francisco area in the early 1990's. At the time, Kim was working in environmental activism, her job requirements ranging from defending forested ecosystems to bringing different or opposing groups of people together to help them find common ground protecting the earth.
Kim was diagnosed with cancer twice, in 2003 and 2005. This double diagnosis gave Kim a chance to pause and reflect on what work she really wanted to be doing in the world, and what brought her pleasure. Kim had always had a passion for sex education. But back then, very few people were talking about what it meant to be "body safe." But going through her treatment made Kim take a hard look at the adult industry.

She realized that the lack of transparency about body safety in the industry, coupled with the cultural stigma surrounding talking about sexual health, was creating a complete lack of information for consumers. While many of us might carefully check the ingredients in our groceries or hygiene products, we're far less likely to be brave enough to ask those important questions about our lubricant or vibrator.
But Kim was always the friend who was willing to have those conversations. And so she set out to create a store that carried body-safe sexual products for everybody. As an environmentalist, Kim's store would also need to have minimal carbon footprint. The space needed to be tasteful and welcoming, with the right atmosphere for people to be comfortable enough ask all their sexual health questions. And with these goals in mind, Kim founded As You Like It.
As You Like It was first created as an online shop in 2012.
In 2013, As You Like It expanded to hosting at-home pleasureware parties.
The first storefront was opened in Eugene, Oregon in December 2014.
The second storefront was opened in Ashland, Oregon in September 2019.
Visit our Locations page for contact information, location details, and current hours.