The New Mom’s Guide to Sex After Baby
Are you wondering why sex is difficult since you became a mother? You are not alone. The truth is having a baby can change everything you thought you knew about sexual intimacy and desire.
From Ouch! To Ahhh…The New Mom’s Guide To Sex After Baby addresses what most new moms wonder but few know who to ask: Why is sex so different after baby? Why do I feel so disconnected from my partner? What happened to my libido? Is something wrong with me?
Drawing on interviews with moms, sexual health and relationship research, and the author’s own experience as a mom of two, this book uncovers the answers to common new mom sexual challenges and provides practical solutions to empower and reassure.
From Ouch! to Ahhh... will help you:
-Understand that sexual challenges are normal for new moms.
-Troubleshoot sexual intimacy problems.
-Explore creative avenues to sexual arousal.
-Find ways to take care of yourself emotionally, physically, as well as sexually.
-Improve sexual communication with your partner.
A valuable addition to any parent’s bookshelf, this book will guide you through the sexual ups and downs of early motherhood while showing you that what you learn about yourself and your relationship in the process will ultimately enhance and deepen your sexuality.
Sarah J. Swofford, MPH, helps moms have better sex. A sexuality educator with a master's degree in public health, she supports women who are navigating sex and intimate relationships amidst the demands of parenting. She writes about women's sexuality throughout motherhood and teaches workshops on sexual intimacy for moms. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two children. Connect online at sarahjswofford.com
From Ouch! to Ahhh...: A New Mother's Guide to Sex After Baby. 102 pages. Paperback.