A Resource Guide for Boys who Want to be Girls
By Veronica Vera
Whether you’re dressing up for Halloween or choosing a new lifestyle, let Miss Vera be your guide. Looking for an open-nipple bullet bra or a sexy peignoir? Some tips on hair removal or makeup? Miss Vera will point you in the right direction.
Veronica Vera knows that a host of goods and services for the girl with something extra are just a mouse click away. But who wants to spend hours surfing the Net? Fear no more: Miss Vera has done the legwork, combing the Internet for irresistible and fun fashions, friendly social groups, and time-tested beauty tips for cross-dressers of every stripe. In addition, Vera is the creator and founder of the world’s first cross-dressing academy,
Overwhelming demand brought this book back into print. Written with sparkling wit, filled with photographs and dozens of real life stories. This book offers tips, tales and teachings from the dean of the World's First Cross-Dressing Academy.
240 pages