These famous prostate massagers have an overwhelming reputation for being the best p-spot toys ever invented!
The sleek design provides an intense prostate massage backed by our patented hands-free design.
All of our Aneros Progasm Prostate Stimulators are designed to move on their own simply through the contractions of the anal sphincter muscles. After all, a massage without movement isn’t a massage at all.
Progasm Large Prostate Massager has the most girth to its design and is considered the most advanced design in the evolution of p-spot stimulators.
They were scientifically developed to massage the prostate gland and the perineum, which greatly enhances sensitivity and sexual function. Ergonomically designed to improve and induce orgasms. Made from a firm medical grade plastic that is body safe and completely non-porous.
Available in four colors, every Clear Aneros Progasm is a one-of-a-kind. The production process creates a unique air bubble, making each one unlike any other.
Made in the USA from FDA approved medical-grade materials.