Transgender and gender-nonconforming children need validation and support on their journey toward self-discovery. Unfortunately, due to stigma and misinformation, these kids can be especially vulnerable to bullying, discrimination, and even mental health issues such as anxiety or depression.
The good news is that there are steps you can take to empower your child as they explore, understand, and affirm their gender identity. This important workbook will guide you both.
In this guide, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in gender-nonconforming youth offers real tools to help your child thrive in all aspects of life. You and your child will discover a more expansive way of understanding gender; gain insight into gender diverse thoughts, feelings, and experiences; and find engaging activities with fun titles such as, “Apple, Oranges, and Fruit Bowls” and “Pronoun Town” to help your child to explore their own unique identity in a way that is age-appropriate and validating.
No child experiences gender in a vacuum, and children don’t just transition—families do. Let this workbook guide you and your child on this important journey in their lives.
176 Pages
Kelly Storck, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker with a private therapy practice in St. Louis, MO. Kelly’s focus is in gender care and advocacy for transgender rights. Along with this work, Kelly presents workshops and trainings on issues relevant to gender diversity. The goal is to help support the greater health, well-being, and liberty of people of all genders.