The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians covers everything you need to make the thrilling and challenging journey to motherhood: from choosing a donor to tracking fertility to signing the right papers on the dotted lines.
Rachel Pepper’s lively, easy-to-read guide is the first place to go for up-to-date information and sage advice on everything from sex in the sixth month to negotiating family roles.
Why a second edition? When the acclaimed first edition appeared, the author’s daughter was only a few months old. This new edition takes into account the parenting know-how Pepper has developed over the intervening six years, as well as the evolving legal status of lesbian parents, and the increasing importance of the Internet for information on fertility, sperm banks, and donors.
The resource section is greatly expanded, as are the sections on each trimester of pregnancy, on childbirth, and on life with a newborn. And Pepper provides more insight into preconception planning for both single lesbians and couples.
Paperback. 270 Pages.
"At last, a lesbian-specific treatise on making a baby and what to do with it once it arrives. Includes lots of bright, funny info about stuff like sperm bank selection and the legal rights of lesbian families." —The Advocate
Rachel Pepper holds a Masters in Counseling in Community Mental Health and is currently working towards licensure as a Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in the care of the LGB, transgender and gender variant communities. Her clinical skills are in demand in both the LGBT mental health field and as an eating disorder specialist. Rachel also holds a Masters in Journalism and is the author or co-author of three previous books including The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals and The Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians, both published by Cleis, as well as the Gay and Lesbian Guide to College Life, published by the Princeton Review. An experienced public speaker and events planner, Rachel has organized symposia, presented at conferences, and held workshops throughout the country on LGBT health and mental health related issues. She previously was the coordinator of the LGBT Studies program at Yale University.