Are you looking for a pocket-sized guide to the basics of binding your sweetie? Look no further!
Rope is inexpensive, portable, flexible, and “one size fits all,” so why bother with expensive single-function restraints? Jay Wiseman, world-famous author of “SM 101” and “Jay Wiseman’s Erotic Bondage Handbook,” will guide you through the foundational knots and positions you need.
Soon you’ll find yourself creating safe, sexy limb bondage, spreadeagles, hogties and more!
The Toybag Guide series is a new concept from Greenery - sturdy little 4" x 6" quick reference guides you can drop in your toybag for just $10! Each of these books contains at least as much information as you could get from a full day's workshop on the topic taught by one of the leaders in the scene. Some of these people like Jay Wiseman, Janet Hardy, Midori and John Warren.
112 Pages
Jay Wiseman has over 35 years of experience in BDSM. One of the early pioneers and builders of the BDSM community in the San Francisco area, Wiseman is heavily involved. An SM author, educator, and mentor on a local and national scale. In addition, a noted workshop leader, video producer, expert witness, and activist.