
Thinking Global, Working Local

Thinking Global, Working Local

Since our founding nearly 10 years ago, As You Like It has remained focused on serving our local community, while also making sure to keep the wellbeing of our planet...

Thinking Global, Working Local

Since our founding nearly 10 years ago, As You Like It has remained focused on serving our local community, while also making sure to keep the wellbeing of our planet...

What Does Pride Mean in 2023?

What Does Pride Mean in 2023?

by Kim Marks and the As You Like It Team Being queer and running a business is a complex experience. I have always believed that being “queer” is more than...

What Does Pride Mean in 2023?

by Kim Marks and the As You Like It Team Being queer and running a business is a complex experience. I have always believed that being “queer” is more than...

Sexual Pleasure in a Culture of Mixed Messages

Sexual Pleasure in a Culture of Mixed Messages

by Dr. Kristine Chadwick In today’s interconnected world, it is more obvious than ever that our society can have a dramatic impact on our perceptions of pleasure and desire. And...

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Sexual Pleasure in a Culture of Mixed Messages

by Dr. Kristine Chadwick In today’s interconnected world, it is more obvious than ever that our society can have a dramatic impact on our perceptions of pleasure and desire. And...

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Which Wand is the One for You?

Which Wand is the One for You?

If you’re at all interested in sex toys, you’ve likely seen a magic wand before. But which wand should you choose? The truth is that there is no one right answer. The...


Which Wand is the One for You?

If you’re at all interested in sex toys, you’ve likely seen a magic wand before. But which wand should you choose? The truth is that there is no one right answer. The...

Three, or Four, or Maybe More!

Three, or Four, or Maybe More!

Practical Tips for Threesomes, Foursomes, and Moresomes A collaborative piece by the AYLI Staff Have you ever thought about having a threesome? A foursome? Swinging? Attending an orgy? You’re not...

Three, or Four, or Maybe More!

Practical Tips for Threesomes, Foursomes, and Moresomes A collaborative piece by the AYLI Staff Have you ever thought about having a threesome? A foursome? Swinging? Attending an orgy? You’re not...

Thorns and Their Roses: The Romance of Kink

Thorns and Their Roses: The Romance of Kink

by Dr. Kristine Chadwick “Romance is everything.” ~ Gertrude Stein Romance . . . ah, romance. Most of us seem to know what qualifies as romantic (it’s hard not to...

Thorns and Their Roses: The Romance of Kink

by Dr. Kristine Chadwick “Romance is everything.” ~ Gertrude Stein Romance . . . ah, romance. Most of us seem to know what qualifies as romantic (it’s hard not to...